I've been keeping a diary since the beginning of this year, but it only lasted 8 days, so I'd like to write down here little by little as a condolence to them (the diary pages). Amen.
This time, from the 1/7 diary, "About Old Hug Syndrome (Note: In Japan, it is called "Kanashibari")"
One night! I felt a large number of insects crawling inside my body, from my toes to my head, but I couldn't move my limbs at all. In other words, this is a 〝old hug syndrome"
Feeling disgusted, I try to somehow escape from this place by rolling to the side, but before he knows it, he finds my mother's strangely enlarged legs on either side of his body (Hallucinations probably due to Old Hag Syndrome), so I can't escape.
While I was doing this, my field of vision suddenly expanded even though I didn't open my eyes. There, there was a splendid blue Swiss sky. I got scared, so I summoned a naked man and woman dancing sexyly in the Swiss blue sky.
At that moment, the bondage was lifted.
I would like to tell everyone that this is the most efficient and sure way to break free from old hug syndrome.

This is about the fifth time I've had Old Hug Syndrome. I've had many other creepy experiences, including the sensation of someone strangling my neck, but the strangest one was the first time.
That was around 3am one day.
It suddenly occurred when I was tired and sleeping on the hard flooring.
I couldn't move my body at all, and on top of that I didn't know how to breathe, so I was panicking when suddenly the beautiful and passionate tones of a violin began to echo in my ears. I almost panicked, but in the next moment, three strange bells that looked like they had been painted with fluorescent paint appeared in front of me, and they were ringing extremely loudly. It was funny how the bell looked like something from a horror house at an old amusement park, and it was a good memory for my first encounter with Old Hug Syndrome.