a janitor working at museum
I have a rickety row of teeth like a tombstone in a ruined graveyard.
Hi, I’m a very stuffy mind Japanese person.
I wanna study English in classic way, so I decided to start this messy blog.
- wrrite this blog by pc not cell phone(because it’s not show correct spelling)
- if I encounter unknown words, I search it by a big heavy paper dictionary.
- Don’t mind miss, try to continue wrriting uncertainly.
- Finish wrriting, then I check misses by using internet and I throw a self refrection party alone.
I’m not a aggressive person. If I use rude dirty words, it’s my miss of words selecting.
If you don’t mind, please let me know correct words.
[writinig contents]
- texts from my academic era notebook
- movie review
- rog of dream
- recently thought
[Belated self-introduction (more!)]

Look at these ridiculous legs on Duplo chicken. They're what I need most in my daily life right now.
Q : Where would you like to live in Disneyland?
A : Queue of Roger Rabbit's Car Toon Spin
Please tell me your answer too!